Shane Green


Stoodley Pike

Autumn Leaves

New York I

New York II


Tempus Fugit
Shane attended the Leeds College of Art and then studied Fine Art in Birmingham. He has worked in educational establishments passing on his knowledge and also exhibited in the USA. He is currently working as a painter and sculptor in Otley.
“Sometimes I feel that a purely figurative representation of the subject is what I’m after, but on another day I could paint the same scene completely differently – it all depends on the emotions I want to express at the the time.”
“A lot of my painting is very vivid and colourful, which I like as a contrast to some of the grey urban landscapes that I actually see before me. Sometimes the cold, harsh realism of modern architecture needs to be met with the colour of human expression.”
In the last 25 years as a professional artist, Shane reckons he has produced over 8,000 pieces of work in a variety of styles. Sometimes abstract, sometimes figurative, his work reflects the changing nature of our urban skylines alongside rural scenes, all done with a vivid grasp of colour.
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